
A presenter’s capabilities can make or break the virtual event. For speakers, it really comes down to preparedness. That’s why CTC provides a range of virtual speaker services to ensure each presenter is prepared and comfortable.

CTC helps to prepare speakers and moderators with best practices, guidelines for engaging attendees, speaker training and prep, tech checks, pre-recordings and rehearsals, and moderator and emcee guidelines.

Examples of Presentation Preparedness Tips

It’s important to think about the impact of content in the virtual world. A presenter’s slides are going to be a key point of focus and should include high resolution images, a handful of bullet points, and clean transitions.

Presenters often find success when they design their slides with short attention spans in mind. A 60-minute meeting should have no more than 30 to 40 minutes for presentation time, with the remaining time dedicated to interactive features, such as polling and Q&A.

Last but not least, each presenter needs to prepare! Virtual events require presenters to be ready to kick-off at a minimum of 15 minutes before the start of the event to test their audio and camera and presentation slide control.


Selecting the Right Environment

Our certified event specialists can help you determine the best setting for your presentation, which may include:

  • Finding a quiet, bright room
  • Placing the brightest light in front of you
  • Looking towards the window (if the room has a window)
  • Using a headset or earbuds with a microphone for the clearest audio
  • Muting yourself when not speaking to minimize background noise interference

Virtual Event Attire

It’s a good idea to stick to warm and neutral colors like grays, pastels, and blues. Presenters should avoid patterns and hot colors, like pink, green, yellow, and orange.

Jewelry may be key to completing a look, but large necklaces and dangling earrings can cause noise interference and should be avoided.

Tips For Presenting

When changing slides, pause for a few seconds to give time for viewers with different internet speeds. A slight pause will help ensure everyone can see the current slide.

Presenters need to make “eye contact” by looking directly at the camera. This will help the remote audience feel connected to the presenter.

Most importantly, remember to smile! Though there is a screen between the presenter and the audience, the audience is still human and wants to enjoy the event.

Engagement Options

CTC virtual speaker services include supporting presenters’ efforts to engage the audience through polling and Q&A sessions.

Polling. Presenters should provide clear instructions for polling at the beginning of the presentation. It’s usually a good idea to do a test poll before the presentation begins so the audience understands how polling works.

Q&A. The presenter should have a team member ready to vet questions as they come in. They can also combine and consolidate themes of questions.

How To Get Started

CTC Conferences & Events is here to ensure every host’s presenters are ready to deliver an engaging presentation. Give us a call today to learn more about our virtual speaker services and plan your next event!

Question? Email us!
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One World Trade Center, Suite 800 Long Beach, CA 90831
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Coast to Coast Conferences & Events (CTC) offers in-person/hybrid/virtual event planning services for United States businesses operating in a wide range of industries. Our event planning services combine strategy, creativity, and expertise to exceed your expectations at every step.

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