
Virtual fundraising and auctions are opportunities to raise funds and awareness for an important cause. When properly executed, they can be wildly successful and effective.

What is a Virtual Auction?

A virtual auction incorporates all elements of an in-person auction with the help of an online platform. Virtual auctions allow supporters from all over the world to virtually meet nonprofits and raise money for an important cause. The right fundraising software will offer ways to incite giving, foster community, and support the event’s goals.

What to Expect During a Virtual Auction

A virtual auction is very similar to an in-person auction. Key steps include setting goals, collecting auction items, creating an event marketing plan, developing an event program, and promoting the virtual auction on social media. The main difference is the mobile bidding technology. Hosts will need to dedicate time to learning the platform, but mobile bidding technology is much more convenient than paper bid sheets and in-person check-out.


Why Host a Virtual Auction

The benefits of virtual auctions include:

  • Greater audience reach. Events are no longer limited to a certain number of tickets at a specific location. A virtual fundraising site will reach individuals located far away.
  • Lower cost. The overhead cost of a virtual auction is significantly lower without a venue and doesn’t require exorbitant event planning costs.
  • Greater flexibility. Adapt the auction to the organization’s mission, community, and goals.

Live & Silent Auction Software

To properly prepare for a silent auction or virtual auction, an organization must have the right tools. With effective software, it’s easy to streamline the tasks needed to plan, manage, and execute the live or silent auction. In addition, the right tools can drastically improve the supporters’ bidding experience and help raise more funds. CTC will help event hosts identify the best software for their auction to ensure flawless execution.

Event Programming

A virtual event’s programming schedule plays a critical role in ensuring fundraising success, both in terms of engagement and revenue. At CTC, we have adopted the following approach to event planning:

1. Plan
We want to know what your objectives and goals are for your program so that our scope of work is built around your needs.

2. Prepare
We will set up an easy-to-use communication process and create a timeline for you so that you can monitor our progress.

3. Procure
We make sure no money is left on the table through our national partnerships and tenacious negotiations which can save you 15% – 40%.

4. Produce
Our team will work with you to develop a program that succeeds your goals, makes your boss proud of you and leaves your attendees wanting more.

5. Perform
We have your back. Our on-site experienced team will manage all the logistics and marketing needs while you do what you do best: taking care of your sponsors, VIPs, and attendees.

6. Proof
From input from you and your team, attendees, the CTC team, and vendors and all the program statistics, a program “playbook” is created for you to begin the next planning process.

Attendee Engagement

As experienced event planners, we know that “the devil is in the details.” We also know that what every organization ultimately wants is for their audience and attendees to walk away with inspiration, smart skills, and tools, and to feel empowered to take their newly acquired training or keynote and put it to work in the real world.

Emcee & Auctioneer

CTC helps to prepare emcees and auctioneers with best practices, guidelines for engaging attendees, speaker training and prep, tech checks, pre-recordings and rehearsals, and auctioneer and emcee guidelines and training.

Award Ceremonies

Whether you want to celebrate employees, company achievements, or something else, CTC will take care of the event planning from start to finish. From securing a vendor for the physical awards, to setting up the awards stage, CTC will ensure the award ceremony goes down without a hitch!

Got Questions?

If you’d like to learn more about virtual fundraising and auctions, give CTC Conferences & Events a call! Trust the experts and your event is guaranteed to be a wild success!

Question? Email us!
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One World Trade Center, Suite 800 Long Beach, CA 90831
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Coast to Coast Conferences & Events (CTC) offers in-person/hybrid/virtual event planning services for United States businesses operating in a wide range of industries. Our event planning services combine strategy, creativity, and expertise to exceed your expectations at every step.

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