4 Pointers On How To Use A Live Poll For An Engaging Product Demo

A cliche product demo is hours of one-way presentation and dull monologue. As a result, you lose half your potential customers then and there! Insteading of burdening your attendees with a ton of information about your product, think about how you can engage them in the conversation and discover what they want to learn about your new product.

A very simple way of creating an engaging product demo is by using a live poll. A live poll turns a one way presentation into a conversation and you’ll have the answers you need, once you get your questions right! If you have the right conference planning and management team who can trust your event with, setting up a live poll is easy.

So, are you ready to use live polls? Let’s start.

#1 Who’s in the room?

The first way of successfully using live polls during your product demo is by finding out who’s in the room. Yes, we know you have your guest list and we are sure your presenter is going to be well versed and is going to hit all the right notes during the product demo but we’d still like to suggest that you run a poll to find out who your guests really are.

This helps kick-start the conversation while helping your presenter identify who the potential clients are and what topics need to be stressed upon so that your audience listens to what you have to say!


On what level do you connect with the product?

  • Direct user
  • Administrator
  • Project manager
  • Other

A question such as this one is key to identifying the background of your guests. Make sure you let your guests know when the polling is closed.

#2 What do your guests want to learn?

Your presenter is all set with his/her slides and speech ready and we’re sure they are going to do a brilliant job promoting your product. But yet again, this is going to end up being a monologue and your guests will lose interest over time. You could turn this scenario into an interesting two way conversation by asking your guests what are their topics of interest.

A simple question like the one below, helps your speaker identify what kind of information your attendees are looking for.


What kind of information are you looking for?

  • Case studies
  • Features
  • Training and integrations
  • Other

A quick poll could easily help your presenter discern the areas that require more emphasis and your attendees will thank you for it!

#3 What problem does your product solve?

The biggest goal for your product demo is to identify potential customers and how your product helps them.

Instead, shift your focus towards providing value to your potential customer. It is the quickest way to convert them to clients! Avoid jumping straight into product features. Instead, opt for a live poll.


  • What is the biggest challenge your organization faces today?
    (Provide answers relevant to your field)
  • What is your approach/tool to solving them? (Provide answers or an open text area)

Once you are aware of their pain points, you can demonstrate how your product solves their problem!

#4  Ask for feedback

After the show is over, use live polls to get feedback from your audience. With a feedback query, you can measure the impact your product and your presentation made on them.


  • Rate the demo on the scale of 1-5 ( 1- not useful and 5- highly informative)
  • What is your favorite product feature?
  • What would you like us to improve?
  • Would you like to use this product?

And that’s a wrap!